Solutions by use case

Unmanned warehouses

An unmanned warehouse is open 24/7 for employees, customers, and suppliers. Without the need for a warehouse worker to be present. Without losing the overview. A view of your stock at any time of the day. Who took or delivered which materials and when. Win-win, right?
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What is there to gain?

From temporary to permanently unmanned warehouses

From your permanent unmanned warehouse to an intelligent mobile warehouse on-site, at a yard or temporary site. We ensure that exchanging goods anywhere can be as smooth and controlled as ever.

Maintain real-time Overview

No more having to check and count through your warehouse every day. Our platform lets you see your stock in real-time and know who entered your warehouse, when and what was taken.

Efficiency as a double-win

No materials that cannot be traced afterwards. No hassle with paperwork. And faster than ever, walking in and out with what you need. The result: a more transparent process for you and your customer.

Always accessible

An unmanned pickup warehouse means that customers, subcontractors or employees come to collect their materials at the most convenient time, whether early in the morning or late at night. And that without extra man-hours for you.

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We’re here for the gains


time optimisation for our users


faster throughput of the supply chain process


overall score on user experience

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Discover our other use cases

Contactless internal distribution

Would you like to internally distribute materials, clothing, packages, PPE, tools, etc. more efficiently than ever? Telloport facilitates deliveries and internal distributions and helps build more streamlined processes. Everyone gains from this.

Unmanned delivery to customers

Unmanned delivery to customers at any place and any time. Let your customers receive or collect goods or materials at the most convenient time, without you or your staff having to twist and turn in a thousand ways.

Receiving incoming goods unmanned

Have suppliers deliver goods to any location, at any time, without you or your employees having to be present. This is a win for suppliers and yourself. With Telloport, your logistics flows run more efficiently, pragmatically, and better than before.

Night pickup point

Goods can be collected before or after opening hours via a 24/7 overnight pickup point. Your employees prepare orders, and customers pick them up when it suits them best. Access to the night pickup point is possible with a personal code, among other things.

Autonomous shop

Provide 24/7 access to materials and goods collected with a unique code, paid in advance, or on-site via an intelligent payment module. With an autonomous shop, you combine flexibility, insightful stock management, higher efficiency and lower operational costs without traditional shop or warehouse constraints.