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Smart City – Town Hall 24/7 service

Municipalities improve their services through 24/7 accessibility without physical intervention, which is made possible by the Telloport system. Citizens can now collect or return documents and materials at their convenience, outside of the usual opening hours. This approach significantly reduces processing times and increases security with various identification methods.

To improve service to citizens, municipalities sought solutions to make services accessible at any time of the day and offer 24/7 service to all its citizens, associations, businesses, entrepreneurs, schools and organisations. The goal? To guarantee 24/7 access to municipal facilities without municipal staff needing physical intervention.

To collect an identity card, driving license, or other documents, one must go to the town hall or other municipal contact point. To borrow road signs, municipal party materials, or rent venues, one needs to make an appointment to collect the keys or materials. Thanks to the introduction of 24/7 service, those visits and appointments are a thing of the past.

The municipality of Aalter was one of the first to turn this vision into reality. Using the Telloport Ecosystem and integrating with existing software systems, operational processes, and Itsme, a Telloport distriSPOT solution that is unique and innovative within the sector was implemented.

The Telloport solution gives municipal services and citizens many advantages.

Citizens can collect or return materials at the time that suits them best without having to make an appointment within municipal services’ opening hours. Analysis shows that 80% of users used the Telloport distriSPOT solution outside opening hours.

Moreover, citizens requesting a document receive it much faster. The turnaround time – from the document being ready to the effective collection – is 82% shorter than when the document is physically collected at the town hall.

To ensure security, users can identify themselves in 3 different ways:

  • For person-related documents, such as provisional driving license and first international passport, there is an integration with itsme®
  • Users will receive a unique digital key, PIN or QR Code for non-personal items, such as keys to halls, municipal vouchers, traffic signs, party materials, or other materials.

The solution is equipped with speakers and instructions in three languages (NL/FR/EN) to ensure inclusivity, complemented by visual aids such as apparent colour differences. This makes the smart vending machine accessible to people with auditory or visual impairments. To ensure accessibility, the project was subjected to an e-inclusion survey.

The Telloport ecosystem is modular, allowing the municipality to easily expand its 24/7 services by building on the existing solution over time.

Given the success of the solution, Aalter plans to expand the range of products and services offered and there are plans to install Telloport solution in every sub-core of the municipality to further reduce users’ travel time.

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