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Contactless internal distribution: research centre imec

Discover imec’s contactless internal distribution system in Leuven, Belgium. Enhanced by Telloport, the system provides 24/7 secure access to goods via smart lockers and an integrated software platform, improving operational efficiency and transparency.

Imec is an internationally renowned research & development organisation in nanoelectronics and digital technologies headquartered in Leuven – Belgium.

To support the internal operations of their headquarters, the logistics department distributes more than 5,000 internal shipments every month.  For example, materials, tools and packages. It’s quite a challenge to run this efficiently and correctly in a 24/7 organisation like imec.

Imec was looking for an improved internal distribution system. The supply chain management had three reasons to improve the current system.

  • Safety: To get to the warehouse, you have to cross a square with heavy truck traffic, which is anything but ideal.
  • Availability: Our warehouse is open from eight to four-thirty, but imec runs 24/7, so employees would like to be able to collect theirgoods at other times too.
  • Confidentiality: Many confidential goods arrive here. We cannot afford for them to end up in the wrong hands.

Telloport Solutions answered these requirements and even more. Employees can now pick up their orders 24/7 easily and securely when it is convenient for them.  They receive a message and a unique digital key when orders are ready. The imec warehouse can easily and quickly distribute goods with a clear track & trace of the entire process.  Which goods are where, who delivered and collected what and when. This is all done with full integration within imec’s existing supply chain processes and systems. Integration with the SAP and Microsoft 365 environments ensures full end-to-end digitisation and automation of the supply chain process.

Telloport realised the solution for imec with the following building blocks from the Telloport ecosystem.

Infrastructure: imec’s unmanned takeaway warehouse consists of smart- lockers and -warehouse racks that allow the exchange of goods of various sizes, from the smallest parcels to large boxes and even pallets.

Software platform: The Telloport platform provides complete management and control of the warehouse. It handles security, monitoring, reporting, business processes, and integration.

Services:  Telloport Professional Services ensured flawless implementation and integration of the solution within the existing imec supply chain processes and software systems.  After this, Telloport Care Services took operational responsibility and ensured that this unmanned takeaway warehouse was always up and running.

imec says that the Telloport solution has brought them many benefits.

Imec employees can now collect their orders in the evening, at weekends, or even at night. They are no longer dependent on warehouse opening hours. That is quite an improvement. Therefore, the reactions are positive. Everyone finds it a particularly easy system.

Recipients can even specify when they want to collect their goods. Based on this, our warehouse workers receive pick lists from the system allowing them to deliver the goods in a grouped manner.  This brings a lot of efficiency to our warehouse and the employees.  By the way, we notice that orders are picked up quickly.  We owe this to the automatic reminders sent out.

A distriSPOT offers clarity and peace of mind. Recipients know their parcel’s location and delivery time at any time. ‘Moreover, there is also much less chance that an order can be lost.

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