About Telloport

We provide and build your supply chain ecosystem

Telloport consists of technological ecosystems to make your business accessible 24/7. This guarantees that Anyone, Anything, Anywhere & Anytime can send, receive, collect and deliver.

The Telloport ecosystem gets the most out of your supply chain. We turn every possible location into an intelligent distribution point. Telloport's ecosystem blends seamlessly into existing system and infrastructures, turning your pains into supply gains. Because we go the extra mile for you. We don't stop until you gain your supply chain in terms of efficiency, quality, yield and productivity.

Brands who trust us

  • Anywhere

    distriSPOTs can be installed anywhere, at your shops, at your customer, in the office, at warehouses, at construction sites, indoor & outdoor.
  • Anyone

    Telloport provides solutions and builds ecosystems for the unattended delivery, collection, return, rental and sharing of physical goods and locations. This way we ensure that employees, couriers & customers & suppliers can safely exchange physical goods 24/7.
  • Anything

    The Telloport solutions are used in different industries (industry, construction, wholesale & installation companies) to optimize the supply chain processes, provide better services, save costs and enable new business models.

Our values


We know what we're doing, focusing on the most innovative, efficient, contactless, pragmatic supply chain solutions. On that front, we do not compromise.


The best results are achieved together. An ecosystem tailored to your supply chain processes is only as strong as the sum of our expertise, sector experience, and your internal staff and experts.


We are at the forefront, already working on tomorrow's innovations. Our ecosystems are and remain frontrunners as we continuously optimise them with the latest technological developments.


We know our worth, and you can rely on that. All we want is to create supply gains. And that's only possible when we work together in complete transparency. That's why our team has integrity, honesty and reliability, just like our solutions.